

1,比赛结束后 24小时之内都可以向当值主裁的上级主管部门进行投诉,也就是所在足协或足总。 国际赛事是向国际足联申诉(FIFA Referees Commission)。 2,如果认为裁判在比赛中存在严重误判,可以采用录像资料作为证据。

3,视频回放:每场比赛有两次机会(上半场一次、下半场一次),使用视频回放来确认是否该颁发点球;此外当比赛进行到第50分钟和80分钟时,裁判还可以分别使用一次视频回放来判断有没有红牌犯规或黄牌犯规应该给红牌的违规行为。 在欧洲杯半决赛中,曼奇尼就成功利用了视频回放规则对意大利队获得点球。 视频回放中的视频资料由视频助理裁判提供,而不是现场主裁判,主裁判只负责最后决定权


5,足球是世界第一运动,全世界每年都会有无数球迷关注着这项运动,而其中一部分人也会去选择成为足球裁判员,为这个体育项目贡献自己的力量!所以请不要侮辱他们。 最后我想以我的一个裁判朋友的话结尾: It is our choice to be a referee but we have chosen it. We are not perfect, neither will other referees and they all make mistakes at some point in their career because human nature has its flaws just like us normal people. But that doesnt mean, those who criticize them should go on the attack against an official or humiliate him personally by putting his name out there for everyone to see... And please if you ever want to say something about a match you think was wrong then send your complaints via email rather than posting it online as comments, this way only FIFA can find out what happened during that game so they could investigate into possible errors made. If no one takes action towards complaining after 24 hours of the end of every single football match played between two teams both from national leagues and international competitions including World Cup, European Championship etc, then how would officials know whether they were doing well or badly? They won't care even when they are making big mistakes unless someone complains, right? And remember most of them don't look at social media platforms such as Twitter either although they may follow some famous users who do tweet about things happening within football especially involving the biggest tournaments worldwide! I really hope someday fans will learn to respect my job more because I work hard and always put myself in others shoes before reaching any decisions.


泻药 个人还是不赞成题主这种想法,这样会让你的足球生涯受到很大的影响的(虽然可能不会对你造成多大的影响),毕竟一个球可能毁掉一个人的职业生涯的。但是真的忍不住的话,可以打12345投诉他(不过成功率不高),也可以发微博、知乎等等平台去批评他的表现,或者你也可以在知道平台里把对他的不良印象写在评论栏中(当然最好别用脏话辱骂哈,这样有可能会被禁言的哦!)。

